Monday, July 5, 2010


The common human desire is for the life of peace and happiness. In this world of dualities, disparities and diversities, happiness in reality is a mirage and the mankind is subjected to despair, depression and dejection but for a few moments of happiness.
The Most Revered Worshipful Gracious Master C.V.V. founded “The New Yoga”, with the basic principles of purity, pure love, sympathy and co-operation and promised to elevate the humanity, to a plane, devoid of disease, decay and death and to establish eternity, with “pure merry life”.
The New Yoga established by the Gracious Master is “unique-Sui-Generis”, which is never heard of in the annals of YOGA LITERATURE AND THIS IS THE ONLY Yoga that has propounded the Theory of Eternity to the Mankind, which is the finest product of the Cosmic Evolution. Master the Humane, with His innate feelings contemplated elevation of the Humankind and had established this Yoga.
This NEW YOGA is called as “Bhrikta Rahita Taraka Raja Yoga”. Friends, with all humility, with my profound faith, in the principles of the Yoga and devotion for the Master and with strong conviction, I identify myself instrumental in writing some elucidation, on the concept of this New Yoga. I invoke the Most Revered Worshipful Gracious Master C.V.V., contemplate His Holy Presence and with utmost reverence bow down my head before His sacred feet. I cry and crave for His blessings and for the immediate completion and fulfillment of the New Life Principle established by Him. I pray to the benovelent Master to shower His grace with paternity and bless us all with eternity with Pure Merry Life of the Direct Line.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

Welcome to the world of Taraka Raja Yoga

Hi ,
Welcome to the world of Taraka Raja Yoga. This great practice of Yoga started by Master CVV in 1910 was a revolution in this field , The only form of yoga that guarantees physical eternity.This blog intends to serve as a platform to discuss various courses given by Master, to share each others experiences. We can also seek clarifications and other information from eminent people who pioneered in this yoga.
I welcome everyone who wish to be a part of this eternal journey and bring immortality to mankind.